Travel Aid

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Travel Aid


We provide efficient travel aid for our clients with the most economical means to manage your travel needs. We offer our clients with selected specialized travel aid by advicing them base on the country they willing to travel to.


Travel assistance is a term in use throughout much of the world which refers to a service which provides help, primarily in medical emergencies during travel.

Travel assistance is different from medical, travel or trip cancellation insurance. Travel assistance programs arrange and pay for members away from home (usually a set distance of 100 miles or so, varying by provider) to find and obtain emergency medical care in an unfamiliar place, and to return members home when stabilized.

When travelers experience a medical emergency, they can call the assistance company to receive help. The assistance program may be called first, or after the individual has been taken by local emergency services to the hospital.

The assistance representative talks with the member and/or any medical providers that may be involved, and makes recommendations based on the details. Medical personnel at the assistance company make health care decisions in conjunction with the local treating physicians. Any variety of resources may be called into play to solve a travel medical challenge.

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